Thursday, March 31, 2011

2 > 1

It's a miracle... I FINALLY got my best friend to run with me!! In an earlier post, I explained that she agreed to do a race with me, but our schedules don't work out for us to train together often.

I got a text from her at work today asking if I wanted to run afterward. I so badly wanted to say, "Nah, I've had a busy day, and I'm tired." But I didn't. I'm the one who's been begging her to run with me, so I agreed.

I had 5 massages to get through, and I wouldn't get home from work 'til almost 7:30... I literally finished at work, sped home, changed, and walked out the door because she was here...

We ran 3 miles in 42:14--not bad, considering she has NEVER run 3 miles! It was a little challenging, of course, because we'd both worked all day. BUT! It was time to spend together, and I'll take that with my best friend any day!

M had dinner done when I got home. Seriously, some days I think he's perfect! (some days ;) ) It was chicken noodle soup (he opened the can so I didn't get cut...again) and turkey croissanwiches. Uh, YUM!!

I'm now showered and totally ready for bed! My friend "L" (who's blog is here) and her running pal "C" ran 11.16 miles tonight! WAY TO GO LADIES!!!!!!! I'm excited for tomorrow, I'm planning to get up and run early, do a little shopping, and head to work for the afternoon.

Thanking God for the energy and the willpower to do everything I got to do today!!


  1. Thanks for the shout out - not going to lie, I got a little teary eyed.
    Be careful putting 2 runs too closely together. Your legs will feel like jello - jus' sayin'. Been there done that.
    So exciting you got to run with your friend. Isn't it WAY better. Congrats to her (you're going to need to give her a bloggy name so that we can all call her something instead of "her") on finishing 3 miles. That's huge. There are tons of people who can't even go 1/2 mile, and tons more who can only do a mile, but no way could ever do 3 - woo hoo for her. Bloggy high 5!!!!
    "C" and I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon - see you then!

  2. I am a little more sore than normal tonite, but I just didn't have the heart to tell her no!
    "Her" is now Manda. It's really Amanda, but I don't pronounce the "A" :) Looking forward to seeing you and C tomorrow!
    PS--How many times a week do you run?? I'm still working on this "training" deal, and I gotta say, it's a little tough!

  3. Hey Ashley - thanks for hooking "C" and I up with massages today. I greatly appreciate your true gift. You're amazing and everyone should come see you!!!!! You're the best and I feel so much better afterward than I did before I came in today -thanks!
    I think I answered your question about how often I run today when I saw you, but I thin you should spend some google time and google "beginner half marathon training schedules" and "walk/run half marathon training schedules". There are a million different schedules. I think the key word to use is beginner - but even some of the 'beginner' schedules have you starting out your first long run at 7 miles (not sure what beginner can just break out a 7 miler, but more power to them, cuz it ain't me!)
    This one is written by a guy who gets interval users - and it seems to match what you were sort of talking about your goals are. Give it a look-see and see what you think - (look only at the top one that is for runners and walkers not the one for goal time finishers)

  4. And this is the one I use - though I add a week into it here and there to make it a little more doable - again, this one is right up your ally.

    Good luck - can't wait to find out which one you choose and hopefully you'll post it on your blog and keep track of your progress so we can all follow along (and by "we" i mean you thousands of blog followers and readers)
